San Ignacio Lagoon Gray Whales
Imagine a 49-foot long gray whale, no more than an arms length away, raising its great head from the water to look you directly in the eye. A mother whale approaches and gently nudges her newborn calf towards your boat, presenting him to be admired.



Camp Tio Timo
Fully catered

Alcoholic beverages extra

Nautilus Dive Adventures and
Baja Expeditions
There is a remote lagoon in Baja California where these dreamlike encounters are a reality, and a visit there will touch your soul. This is San Ignacio Lagoon, one of only four mating and birthing lagoons in the world, with the highest concentration of sociable whales, and the only lagoon still untouched by human development.
Once hunted to near extinction and branded as “devil fish” due to aggressive attacks on whaling boats, gray whales have since undergone both a remarkable recovery in population and a moving transformation in their view of humankind. San Ignacio Lagoon, with decades of respectful ecotourism, has been the center of this heartwarming display of forgiveness and redemption, where gray whales place their trust in humans to the point of seeking out interaction with visitors.
Peak season is January though April and a four day itinerary starts with a private charter for a quick two hour flight to San Ignacio Lagoon. Three nights of wilderness glamping at its best right along the shoreline with ensuite bathrooms and showers inside the tents.
Experience up to NINE whale watching trips, of up to 90 minutes each, in the lagoon and the compulsive attention to details that Nautilus is known for from real beds with fine linen, fire pits, a selection of craft beer, single malts and a great wine list.
I highly encourage you to take advantage of a complimentary BackScatter Photo workshop prior to your departure!